On October 1, 2019, the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada appointed Fr. Ephrem Kardouh as the new Spiritual Director of Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary in Edmonton, Alberta. Fr. Ephrem succeeds Fr. Mihajlo Planchak of the Eparchy of Edmonton. Fr. Ephrem is a monastic priest of the Basilian Salvatorian Order ministering in the Melkite Greek…
Published by the UGCC Hierarchy of the Philadelphia Metropolia, September 21, 2019 Dear Friends! It is with deep appreciation and respect for you, your calling and your desire to do God’s will that we, the bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States of America, wish to share with you our thoughts concerning…
Смачного! This is our usual greeting after the grace for a meal. The best translation in English is borrowed from the Franch, “Bon appetit!” And it sure was delicious. The Cathedral parish in Edmonton has one of the suppers almost every month. We were able to partake of its goodness on September 6, 2019, and…