Seminary Year 2024-2025
Високопреосвященним і Преосвященним Владикам, всесвітлішим, всечеснішим та преподобним отцям, преподобним ченцям і черницям, дорогим у Христі мирянам Української Греко-Католицької Церкви Христос воскрес! «Воскресіння день − просвітімося люди! Пасха Господня, Пасха, від смерті бо до життя І від землі до небес Христос Бог нас перевів, − Перемоги пісню співаємо!» Воскресна Утреня, Канон Пасхи Сьогодні, у день…
25th Anniversary of Chornobyl Tragedy Twenty-five years ago, in the early morning hours of Saturday, April 26, 1986, the residents of Prypiat, a large town and administrative centre located on the river of the same name, one of the many tributaries along the upper reaches of the mighty Dnipro north of the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv,…
“Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem! For the glory of the Lord has shone upon you”. Reverend Fathers, Venerable Sisters, Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ – Faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada, Christ is Risen! Indeed He is risen! Dear Brothers and Sisters, With a warm and sincere heart we greet you all…
(Lviv, Ukraine, 25 March 2011) Most Reverend Sviatoslav Shevchuk has been elected Major Archbishop [Patriarch] at an Electoral Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Lviv/Bruhovitchi 21-24 March 2011, in accord with the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the Particular Law of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC). His…
New Westminster, 10 February 2011 – Today His Holiness Benedict XVI announced that he has accepted the resignation of His Beatitude Lubomyr Cardinal Husar, father and head of the Ukrainian (Greek) Catholic Church and major archbishop of Kyiv-Halych in accordance with 126 § 2 of the Code of Canons of the Oriental Churches. (Canon 126…