One of our alumni, Fr. Nestor Yakiwchuk, has reposed in the Lord, today, in Winnipeg. Fr. Nestor had served for many decades in the Archeparchy of Winnipeg as a deacon and received the honour of Archdeacon while serving under Metropolitan Maxim. Later, under Metropolitan Michael, he became Econome for the Archeparchy. He was eventually sent…
2013/2014 PASTORAL LETTER OF THE UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS OF CANADA ON THE OCCASION OF THE FEAST OF THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD To the Reverend Clergy, Religious Women and Men, Monastics, Seminarians and Laity Christ is Born! Let us Glorify Him! Welcoming the Stranger in Our Midst! The birth of Jesus. Luke’s Gospel records the birth…
With the recent calls to prayer and fasting for Syria by Pope Francis and Patriarch Sviatoslav, the Holy Spirit Seminary community will make September 7 a day of fast and prayer to join with the universal church. We invite all our friends and benefactors to join with us! Here is a news article from the…
Our Spiritual Director, Very Rev. Andrij Onuferko, celebrates his 25th anniversary of ordination to the Holy Priesthood. Fr. Andrij was ordained on July 1, 1988, by Metropolitan Volodymyr (Sterniuk). Some notes on Fr. Andrij: He was Founding Director of Radio Resurrection, based in Belgium, Vice-Rector of the Patriarchal Curia in Lviv, and lecturer in Old…
We just found out today that seminarian Cyril Kennedy has been awarded the Governor General’s Silver Academic Award at Saint Paul University for 2013. We offer glory to God and congratulations to Cyril for this outstanding achievement! Interestingly, this award was given in 2010 to Fr. Alexander Laschuk who was ordained a priest in 2012…