Today is the anniversary of the massacre of thirteen peasant men and boys who died defending a little Greek Catholic church in what is now Poland. They gathered, with their families and neighbors, to prevent the Russian Imperial government from imposing an Orthodox priest into their parish. This took place when the Tsar destroyed the…
On January 1, 2016 at St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in Edmonton, Alberta, at the Divine Liturgy on the feast of our Lord’s Circumcision and of Saint Basil the Great, Bishop David (Motiuk) ordained Deacon Michael Bombak to the Priesthood. Participating in this service were Very rev. Peter Babej, rector of the Cathedral, and Hieromonk Teodosy of…
MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS ON THE OCCASION OF THE 53rd WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS The Church, Mother of Vocations Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is my great hope that, during the course of this Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, all the baptized may experience the joy of belonging to the Church…
Fr. Tom Hrywna recently came to Ottawa to serve the traditional first Divine Liturgy at the Sheptytsky Institute and the Seminary. Fr. Tom shared with us some of the experiences he has had since being appointed administrator of Sts. Vladimir and Olga Parish in Windsor, Ontario. We wish him and his wife and family many…