Diaconal Ordination of Warren Dungen
Fr. Deacon Warren Dungen was ordained on January 8, 2017, on the Sunday after Theophany by Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR, Eparch of Saskatoon. The ordination took place at St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine in Ottawa at the parish Divine Liturgy. The Archdeacon at the ordination was Fr. Michael Winn, Rector of Holy Spirit…
Priestly Ordination of Fr. Gleb Pistruga
On 26 October 2016, the feast of St. Demetrius, Deacon Gleb Pistruga was ordained a priest of the Eparchy of New Westminster at the Cathedral of the Holy Eucharist by Bishop Ken Nowakowski. The newly ordained priest Fr. Gleb has been serving in the Canadian Armed Forces as a chaplain. He will continue to serve…
Diaconal Ordination of Mykhailo Ozorovych
Deacon Mykhailo Ozorovych was ordained on August 28, 2017 on the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God (Julian Calendar) by Bishop Ken Nowakowski, Eparch of New Westminster for the New Westminster Eparchy in British Columbia, Canada. The ordination took place at the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Parish (Deacon Mykhailo’s home…
Priestly Ordination of Fr. Mike Bombak
On January 1, 2016 at St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in Edmonton, Alberta, at the Divine Liturgy on the feast of our Lord’s Circumcision and of Saint Basil the Great, Bishop David (Motiuk) ordained Deacon Michael Bombak to the Priesthood. Participating in this service were Very rev. Peter Babej, rector of the Cathedral, and Hieromonk Teodosy of…
The Rarest of the Seven Holy Sacraments
by Lidia M. Wasylyn The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton celebrated the ordination of Deacon Jim Nakonechny into the Holy Priesthood on August 8, 2015 at St. Basil’s Ukrainian Catholic Church. The ordination took place during Divine Liturgy by the laying on of hands by Bishop David Motiuk, Eparch of Edmonton. This was the first priestly…