World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Dear Brothers and Sisters, 1. The Gospel says that ‘Jesus went about all the cities and villages… When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; pray therefore…
The First Five Years: How the Church Can Support Young Priests in a Secular Age
Fr. Stephen Rosetti America: The National Catholic Review Every so often a rumor arises that young priests today are not faring well. It is suggested that they are dispirited and leaving the priesthood in large numbers.In 1999, this rumor was so rife that the Catholic sociologist Dean Hoge led a research project to investigate. Dr. Hoge concluded…
Patriarchal Commission for Priestly Formation
Truskavets, Ukraine May 15-17, 2013: The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Patriarchal Commission for priestly formation under the leadership of Most Rev. Ken Nowakowski, Bishop of New Westminster for Ukrainian Catholics in British Columbia and Yukon are holding their annual meeting in Truskavets, Ukraine. The members of the commission comprise of rectors of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic…
To the Beloved Mothers of Priests
Letter of His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the Beloved Mothers of Priests serving in the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church throughout the world Dearly Beloved Mothers, Christ is Risen! During my life as a layman, priest and bishop, I’ve come to realize that perhaps the most solemn and awe-inspiring moment that can be experienced by a faithful member of our…
Creating an Environment for Priestly Ministry
Our recent spiritual day of renewal featured Fr. Martin Farrell, OP offering his wisdom on creating an environment for priestly ministry. Not only is a good interpersonal support structure needed whether you are married or celibate, but also needed is an environment and strategies for continued formation beyond what is learned in the seminary.