Category: Feature

  • Visit of Fr. Tom Hrywna

    Visit of Fr. Tom Hrywna

    Fr. Tom Hrywna recently came to Ottawa to serve the traditional first Divine Liturgy at the Sheptytsky Institute and the Seminary. Fr. Tom shared with us some of the experiences he has had since being appointed administrator of Sts. Vladimir and Olga Parish in Windsor, Ontario. We wish him and his wife and family many…

  • The Rarest of the Seven Holy Sacraments

    The Rarest of the Seven Holy Sacraments

    by Lidia M. Wasylyn The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton celebrated the ordination of Deacon Jim Nakonechny into the Holy Priesthood on August 8, 2015 at St. Basil’s Ukrainian Catholic Church. The ordination took place during Divine Liturgy by the laying on of hands by Bishop David Motiuk, Eparch of Edmonton. This was the first priestly…

  • Joy of the Gospel

    Joy of the Gospel

    The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew. (Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel) Pictured here are the seminarians preparing for a special…

  • Pope Francis meets with Seminarians

    Pope Francis meets with Seminarians

    (Vatican Radio, May 12, 2014) Pope Francis on Monday met with the rectors and students of the Pontifical Universities and Colleges in Rome. In his opening remarks, the Holy Father noted the many students from the Middle East and from Ukraine. “I want to tell you that I am very close to you in this…

  • Patriarch Sviatoslav’s Letter to the Priests
    Great Thursday 2014

    Patriarch Sviatoslav’s Letter to the Priests Great Thursday 2014

    ПОСЛАННЯ БЛАЖЕННІШОГО СВЯТОСЛАВА до священнослужителів Української Греко-Католицької Церкви на Страсний четвер Всесвітліші, всечесні та преподобні отці − дорогі співбрати в Христовому священстві! Знову наближаємося до Великого четверга, коли, ідучи на хресну смерть і відкриваючи двері у воскресіння, наш Божественний Спаситель установив святе таїнство Священства. У зв’язку з цим прагну роздумати разом із вами над тим…