“And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” – Jeremiah 3:15
About the Seminary and Formation

Are you feeling called to serve God and His people as a priest? The Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary is here to guide you on your journey toward answering this sacred vocation. Established in 1981, Holy Spirit Seminary is the first major Ukrainian Catholic Seminary in Canada, dedicated to the formation of eparchial priests for the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. For over four decades, the Seminary has been a place of renewal, study, and reflection, helping men of faith grow in knowledge, spirituality, and commitment to Christ.
The Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary is committed to preparing men for ordained priestly and diaconal service in the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.
The formation program includes:
Academic Studies
Completed at Newman Theological College in Edmonton, where students earn degrees of Bachelor of the Liberal Arts, Bachelor of Theology and Master of Divinity.
Spiritual Formation
Deepening your relationship with God through prayer, liturgy, and spiritual direction.
Communal Life
Living in brotherhood with fellow seminarians, fostering unity and mutual support.
The Seminary is a house of prayer, a house of study, and a house of community living, where men are formed to become ministers of God’s Word, ministers of the Sacraments, and servant-leaders of God’s people.
Steps to Apply
If you feel called to the priesthood, here are the steps to begin your journey:
Contact Your Parish Pastor: Share your discernment with your parish priest. He will provide guidance and support as you explore your vocation.
Reach Out to the Vocation Director: The Vocation Director will help you understand the process of priestly formation and answer any questions you may have.
Communicate with Your Bishop: Your bishop plays a key role in discerning your vocation and approving your application to the Seminary.
Contacts of Vocation Directors
winnipeg archeparchy
edmonton eparchy
Fr. Bo Nahachewsky
email: fr.nahachewsky@eeparchy.com
phone: (780) 340-3726
toronto and eastern canada eparchy
Fr. Tom Hrywna
saskatoon eparchy
Fr. Ivan Nahachewsky
email: inahachewsky@skeparchy.org
phone: (306) 961-1390
new westminster eparchy