Glory be to Jesus Christ!
Holy Spirit Seminary congratulates the newly-ordained Fr. Orion Wiebe and Fr. John Vizza by the hands of His Grace Bishop David Motiuk.
Fr. John’s ordination took place on 17 November 2024, at St. Josaphat Cathedral in Edmonton, the commemoration of Our Holy Father Gregory the Wonderworker, Bishop of Neocaesarea and Passing into the Eternal Life of Blessed Josaphat Kotsylovsky, Bishop of Peremyshl and Martyr.
Fr. Orion’s ordination occurred on 7 December 2024, at the parish of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Calgary, the feast of Our Holy Father Ambrose, Bishop of Milan.
Our heartfelt congratulations on the blessed occasion of your ordinations to the priesthood! May the Lord strengthen you in your ministry, granting you wisdom, patience, and love to be a good shepherd to the flock entrusted to your care. May the grace of the Holy Spirit guide you in all your works for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
With prayers for you and your vocations!
Photos: Dreena Buyachek