Patriarchal Commission for Priestly Formation

pat-comm-2013Truskavets, Ukraine May 15-17, 2013: The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Patriarchal Commission for priestly formation under the leadership of Most Rev. Ken Nowakowski, Bishop of New Westminster for Ukrainian Catholics in British Columbia and Yukon are holding their annual meeting in Truskavets, Ukraine. The members of the commission comprise of rectors of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church from around the world. This year the spiritual directors of the seminaries were also invited to join the Commission Members for a joint session before attending a special retreat directed by Rev. Andrij Onuferko, spiritual director of Holy Spirit Seminary in Ottawa and a professor at the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute for Eastern Christian Studies at Saint Paul University also in Ottawa, Canada.

The Commission updated the Vocational Awareness Directives brochure that they had published last year, reviewed seminary programs and policies regarding married seminarians, courses on monastic and religious life, and programs for on-going formation of clergy.

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