Seminarian’s Prayer

Most blessed Lord Jesus Christ, send the grace of Thy Holy Spirit upon me, to strengthen me that I may learn well the things I am about to study, and by them become a better person for Thy glory, for the welfare of my family, and for the benefit of Thy Holy Church. Let this knowledge not make me boastful, but rather sanctify my mind by Thy deifying grace. Through my studies, teach me to acquire humility, a peaceful mind and a prayerful heart. This I ask of Thee through the prayers of Thy most Pure Mother, our Lady the Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary; of our holy and godbearing Fathers; of Saint Tatiana of Rome and Saint Sergius of Radonezh, and of all the saints who from the ages have been pleasing unto Thee. Amen.

Source: Opuscula Theologica