Category: Formation

  • Reception of Pidriassa

    Reception of Pidriassa

    On Saturday, September 10, 2016 five seminarians received their own pidriassa (cassock) marking their entrance into seminary life. Pictured are Julian S. (Edmonton), Andriy A. (Winnipeg), Alex P. (Winnipeg), Roman K. (Edmonton), and Orion W. (Edmonton). Please remember these seminarians in your prayers.

  • 53rd World Day of Prayer for Vocations

    53rd World Day of Prayer for Vocations

    MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS ON THE OCCASION OF THE 53rd WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS The Church, Mother of Vocations   Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is my great hope that, during the course of this Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, all the baptized may experience the joy of belonging to the Church…

  • Opening Days and Retreat

    Opening Days and Retreat

    The new formation year for Holy Spirit Seminary began on August 28. After a day of orientation, all the seminarians entered into a spiritual retreat lead by Fr. Doug Lorance, Pastor of St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in Lyndor, PA. Fr. Doug shared many of his experiences as a priest of 28 years. He was…

  • The Story of a Seminarian … From a Mom’s Point of View

    The Story of a Seminarian … From a Mom’s Point of View

      Here is an interesting blog entry from Catholic Sistas. The link to the full article follows: When I first became a mom, I was not quite 23 years old. I lived 3 hours away from my parents and my friends, and I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t have the internet…

  • Pope Francis meets with Seminarians

    Pope Francis meets with Seminarians

    (Vatican Radio, May 12, 2014) Pope Francis on Monday met with the rectors and students of the Pontifical Universities and Colleges in Rome. In his opening remarks, the Holy Father noted the many students from the Middle East and from Ukraine. “I want to tell you that I am very close to you in this…